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Easy like Sunday Morning

Ground pork, Scrambled Eggs and Hashbrowns

One of our favorite breakfast recipes- 5 ingredients! Depending on the size of your family this makes enough for a hardy breakfast and plenty left over for a quick meal.

1 lb Lynch Farms Ground Pork

16 oz Package Sno-Pac Southern Style Hashbrowns

1 dozen Lynch Farms Eggs

Salt and Pepper

1. Using a large skillet brown the ground pork, set aside.

2. Scramble the eggs, set aside

3. Brown the hashbrowns.

Mix the ground pork, eggs and hashbrowns together in a large skillet. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Did you know Sno-Pac is local to the Coulee Region too? Their company is right up the road in Caledonia, MN. They have a plot right down the road from our farm.


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